What is a DNA mutation?
When you eat food the nutrient will go to your cells in a 4 steps process and its your genes that controls that process. If any of the genes have an error, the process will be stopped and the nutrition does reach your cell. This is what we call a DNA mutation.
About 50% of the population have a few or several DNA mutations that results in lack of absorbing nutrients. Deficits of bioactive molecules affect the epigenetic clock and are the basic cause of the most common diseases in the world.
What is the benefits to make personalised supplements according to my DNA?
A human body has about 21 000 genes and all of them have a purpose. If some cells do not get the correct nutrion and deficits of bioactive molecules affect the epigenetic clock and are the basic cause of the most common diseases in the world. Also you will not be able to perform your best and feel fatigue.
By analysing all 21 000 genes we identify your mutations and create active ingredients that bypass your mutations so your cells get the correct nutrients. You get a report on what mutations you have.
What is the different in testing genetic markers and do a full DNA test?
The body have 21000 genes and each gene contain thousand of genetic markers (SNPs). The human body has several millions markers. Some companies claim that they check your DNA by testing 10-100 markers. That’s less than 0,01% of your DNA.
The only way to obtain real personalized supplements is to analyse 100% of the body’s genes.
Why do not a blood test give correct information on the need for vitamins?
Blood tests do not show you the full picture, because they represent only an image of the nutritional state of your blood. It does not take in account your DNA mutations so your blood test can show sufficient amounts of nutrients but the mutation stops the nutrient to enter the cells.
There are other supplements that are called Personlized on the market, what is the difference between all of them?
There a mainly four different ways that companies use to analyze which personalized supplements are for you: Online quiz, blood/stool test, DNA test based on a small number of genetic markers called SNPs (Single nucleotide polymorphisms), and full DNA test. Let’s look at each and its pro and cons.
Online quiz
⦁ Quick and easy for both the customer and the supplier.
⦁ Should not be called personalized since they don’t get any knowledge about either blood levels or DNA variations, which means important information is lacking.
Blood and stool test with or without doctor´s consultation
⦁ Provides more information than a simple questionnaire.
⦁ Possibility to include a more extensive health examination.
⦁ Certain health issues that may have gone unnoticed can be revealed and thus treated in time.
⦁ Blood and stool analysis give a correct picture of the nutritious status of your blood circulation and digestive health, but important information about genetic variants that could be at the origin of health concerns still remains hidden.
⦁ Taking the blood sample requires a personal visit to a health centre and cannot be performed at home.
DNA test SNP/markers
For better understanding, first we present a short explanation. The human genome has about 21000 genes. Each gene is related to a function for a protein in the body. Small changes in the DNA sequence are called SNP´s. Each gene can have 100-1000 SNP`s, also called markers, which can vary between different people in the world. In total there are about 4 to 5 million SNP´s in the human DNA. These changes in DNA can be the cause of an improved or reduced functioning of a protein, or even lead to a totally non-functional protein. Some companies that offer personalized supplements analyse a small fraction of 10 to 100 SNP´s.
⦁ Takes into account genetic variations that may affect the bio-availability of nutrients in your cells. The information that is obtained is more complete than from a simple questionnaire.
⦁ Mostly based on collection of a saliva sample, which is less invasive than taking a blood sample, and it can be done at home.
⦁ The test still only analyses less than 0,001% of all your genes, which on its own gives very limited information.
⦁ When compared to a blood test, this type of analysis gives a different kind of information, but is not more valuable because too limited when only looking at a few SNP´s.
DNA test full
We found only one company that offers a full DNA test by looking at all genes and possible SNP´s.
⦁ The DNA is extracted from a sample of saliva, which can easily be taken at home by spitting into a plastic tube.
⦁ Complete information is obtained about how your body processes nutrients, and what your body needs exactly to be healthy.
⦁ Possibility to obtain a full DNA report including risk calculation for common and hereditary diseases.
⦁ This is the most expensive analysis technique, which is reflected in the price of the personalized supplements
⦁ Time consuming: the DNA analysis can take 4 to 6 weeks.
Do you have any comparison on other personalized vitamin suppliers?